FAQ of a Chooser
The most asked question I haven gotten is "What are you doing to lose this weight?" and every time I gave the same answer "I've cut out processed foods and fast foods". Lately I've come to realize that this answer was really only the tip of the ice berg of what I was doing. I am changing a life style and purging my soul of a lot of self hatred and all the bad things that come when you really don't like the person you are anymore.
I don't know when and where I started to develop these feelings towards myself or even why but I know that I wasn't happy and they only way I felt better was having a late night cheeseburger and a large coke. Sometimes I would eat before going out to dinner just in case I didn't like what we we're having.
Every time I hit the drive thru my wallet took at least an 10 - 15 dollar hit. You can feed a family of 4 with the amount of dollar menu items I ate in one sitting.
Basically, in a nut shell, I woke up and was tied of feeling sorry for myself. I was tired of waking up every morning feeling shitty and depressed, feeling powerless. I was tired of accepting that I could not do anything to make my life better and I would just have to wait for karma or some other force to give me all that I wanted. I refused to play the hand I was dealt so I changed the game I was playing.
If you have found your way to me and are looking for some motivation then here it is.
You are fucking awesome. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are strong. Nobody has the power to tell you who and how to be. You are the driver of your own life. Today is a better day to start then tomorrow. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
This is not something that is going to happen overnight. It's going to take a while but I promise that by the end you while have gone through so much that you will never go back. I'm only at my 2 month mark and I hardly remember that guy I used to be nor do I ever want to see that asshole again. He is not welcome back in my life.
One suggestion I do strongly recommend you do in your journey is to use this page or any other page as a support group. We are all friends in health and I monitor this site everyday and will throw the ban hammer on anybody who feels the need to belittle any actions that myself or my fellow Choosers make. This is a safe place, I promise. Please feel free to post pictures, stories, advice, questions or anything else you want to! We are all Choosers!
I am a Chooser and I choose to believe in you, but mostly I choose to believe in myself!
- Bagel