Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hello, I'm Bagel.

Bagel : An Origin Story

Welp, I've done it. I started a blog to go along with the Bagels can't be choosers Facebook page.

I think this will be a better venue for me to share my in-depth, lengthy thoughts instead of clogging up the FB page.

First and formost I would like to say thank you so much to everybody who as taken on the Chooser name as a badge of pride. I love when people come up and tell me that they are a Chooser. I started the chooser page for selfish reasons but it has grown beyond myself and I now have a platform to help guide people into the better life that they deserve! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I am very proud of each and everyone that has joined me on this journey.

I couldn't really think of anything to start this blog with until I realized that some people do not know who I am.  So this first blog is an introduction ( an origin story if you will) of who they hell I am and why the hell you should listen to me.

My name is Ryan Beightol and I am addicted to food. I eat my emotions and have gone through hell and back to try and change this. They call me Bagel because of my last name. It's commonly pronounced "baytall" but my family pronounces it "becktoll". When I was in Junior High a teacher called out my last name for the first time and a friend of mine yelled out "Bagel?!?" and I have been Bagel ever since.

I am 28 years old and I live by the beach in huntington beach, CA. I have an awesome job at a hotel and a great apartment but I wasn't feeling good. My Body Mass Index (BMI) was well over 50 and that put me at super Obese (currently I am at 385 pounds with a BMI of 48! putting me down to "Morbid Obese").  

I hated everything that was good for me and all I eat was fast food so I started the blog as a challenge for myself to eat foods that I claimed I didn't like. What I got was the best support group anybody could ever ask for and I feel that if I let myself down I will let everyone down and ultimately cause other people to slip as well.

So in saying this, I , Ryan "Bagel" Beightol, Make a promise to all you Choosers. I will get to my goals so you have a roadway to follow. I will never let you down or let you go. we will do this together.

Keep Making the good choices, choosers!


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